If you are looking for volunteer opportunities over the holidays, you are in luck! The Salvation Army is looking for a lot of volunteers for a lot of different activities. Below are the activities, their days and times, and a small description. If you are interested in any of these activities please feel free to contact:
Peter Iversen
Community Relations & Volunteer Coordinator
Salvation Army of Monroe County
812-336-4310 ext. 12
This is a great way to get involved in the Bloomington community and assist those who could use a little extra help this holiday season!
Also you can bring your friends and have a great time volunteering together!
1. After School Volunteers: M-F 3:30-5:30
-Help younger students and children
-Play games, make crafts, help with learning stations and help with homework
2. Toy Shop Distribution December 22-23 Times Vary
-Help take donated presents from the Angel Tree and the Toys for Tots drives to the families receiving the donations
-Help make Christmas possible for many many families
3. Toy Shop Setup November 17-December 19 Times Vary
-Help organize toys and donations from the Bloomington community!
-Have a hand in getting all the little angels the toys they deserve!
4. Red Kettle Bellringer November 21-December 24; 2 hours shifts begin at 10am and end at 9pm
-Sign up online: https://web.volunteer2.com/Public/Signup/SignupDecide.aspx?OrganizationGUID=aff17462-1fd7-4279-b6ac-cfcc4f3ca3be
-You (and your group of friends if you'd like) can raise a lot of money for the Salvation Army simply by standing outside a store and ringing that bell.
-You can dress up, be really loud, and help make the holidays possible for some Bloomington families!
-Kettles are provided and all you (and your posse) have to do is show up!
5. Host a Counter Kettle All year round
-If you know anyone that owns a business or runs a business and wants to help out, they can simply put a kettle on their counter (provided by the Salvation Army) and raise money for those in need!
-Talk to your bosses today.
6. Stuff-a-Bus Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun. December 4-7 and December 11-14
-Volunteers are needed to help guard the bus as it is filled with toys and donations at local area stores.
-Salvation Army parks the bus outside a local store (Target, Walmart, etc.) and as people go inside to shop, they can be reminded to buy an extra item or two (or three) to donate to the Salvation Army.
-Volunteers are needed to stay with the bus to make sure that items are only added to the bus and not removed as well.
-Once the bus is stuffed, it also needs to be unloaded at the Salvation Army. Assistance is needed with this as well!
If you have any interest in helping the Salvation Army with any of the previous activities, again please contact Peter Iversen. Remember that most of these volunteer activities only require a couple of hours, but in that short time you are making the holidays possible for many Bloomington families!