Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sort Christmas Toys - now till December 18th!!!
Interested? Visit
Habitat Home Building - Dec. 12, 19; Jan. 2
Interested? visit
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December Volunteer Opportunities!!
RSVP America Reads Tutors
One out of four children entering fourth grade cannot read at grade level. Help change this statistic and prepare students for lasting success in schools and libraries throughout Monroe and Owen Counties. Through RSVP America Reads, the tutoring program of the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), volunteers commit to tutor one hour per week. Substitutes are available as needed. All training is provided and no experience is necessary. Your life will be positively changed as well! Minimum age is 21.
WFHB Production, Programming & Engineering
Music, news, information programming and engineering are among the ways you can become the media through WFHB Community Radio. Substitute as a DJ, write local news, record news events in the field, or work on the web page! Once you have given more than 30 hours of your time, you become a "Participating Member" with voting privileges. A commitment of at least 4 hours per month is requested. Training provided; minimum age is 18.
Arlington Elementary Playground Volunteers
Arlington Heights Elementary School invites community members to actively engage their children on the playground between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. While staff will be present, volunteers will initiate soccer, Frisbie, basketball, parachute play or other games. Requirements are enthusiasm and love for children, knowledge of a variety of outdoor games, and leadership skills. Teens welcome.
Girls Volleyball Coaches
Girls Inc. of Monroe County needs volleyball coaches for the spring season. This recreational league focuses on building fundamentals, improving social skills and having fun. Coaches should be enthusiastic about creating a positive and supportive environment. Practices are from 6-7 p.m. or from 7-8 p.m, either Mon./Wed. or Tues./Thurs., with no more than 2 nights of activity per week on week nights from mid-January until mid-April. Age groups are 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-18. Coaches should have experience playing or coaching volleyball and be comfortable working with parents and staff. Coaches must be 18 years old and attend a coaching orientation on either Dec. 15 or Jan. 12 (alternative arrangements can be made).
Domestic Violence Training - Dec. 5!!!
Middle Way House is seeking new volunteers to maintain the level of service they provide to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. There are volunteer opportunities in many different areas including: crisis line, child care, tutoring, legal advocacy, community reception, and youth mentoring. Both women and men are strongly encouraged to attend the training, which is a prerequisite for volunteers, but is also appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about the dynamics of domestic violence. No registration is required for the training which will be Sat., Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, Rm. 218-219 (219 E. 4th St., across from the downtown Post Office).
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Get Involved! The Holiday Market, Saturday, November 28th
Do you enjoy the festive community atmosphere of the Farmers' Market? Searching for the perfect holiday gift? Love those TubaSantas? The Holiday Market features some of your favorite, locally grown farm products, arts and crafts by area artisans and those unforgettable TubaSantas.
Duties: We’re looking for volunteer elves to decorate, serve refreshments and assist with teardown.
Program Time: Shift #1, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m./Shift #2, Noon–3:30 p.m.
Training: Volunteers will be trained at the beginning of their shift.
Location: Showers Plaza, 401 N. Morton St.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 4-5 per shift
Other: Come dressed according to the weather. Bring your hat and gloves!
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Kim Ecenbarger at
For a complete listing of City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Volunteer Opportunities, please visit
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Nov 5th Weekly Volunteer Update!!
Opportunities Update
The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network
is your source for information about
volunteering locally. For a complete listing,
or call 349-3433
Volunteer Receptionist
The Center For Women's Ministries in Monroe County, a Christian organization serving women in need, would like assistance with phones, greeting clients, and copying/collating. A free, four hour training is required. After being added to the rotation as a receptionist, you will be expected to volunteer as scheduled. Good communication skills and the ability to keep information confidential are critical. Minimum age is 18.
AARP Volunteer Tax-Aide Program
If you are familiar with tax forms and enjoy helping people, the American Association Of Retired Persons Tax Aide program is a great opportunity to get involved. Volunteers are trained to act as tax counselors who assist with tax forms for low and middle income taxpayers, and answer questions to the extent of his/her training. Training will be held Jan. 11-15 and tax preparation begins on Feb. 1 at Twin Lakes Recreation Center. Learn how to take full advantage of all deductions and credits available to taxpayers. It is helpful to have basic computer knowledge. Minimum age is 18.
Global Gifts Holiday Volunteer Training - Nov. 15
This non-profit retail store on the Bloomington square is dedicated to promoting fair trade, gender equity, environmental sustainability, and alternative consumer choices. They are hosting a special holiday volunteer training on Nov. 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. (Students who will be out of town for the holidays should attend the training in Jan.) Holiday volunteers can volunteer year-around or assist only during the holidays. Volunteers should be available between 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Mon. - Sat. Minimum age is 18.
Holiday Event Volunteers - Dec. 5
The Family Readiness Group of the Indiana Army National Guardsponsors a holiday event annually. This year it is scheduled for Dec. 5 from 1-4 p.m. They are seeking volunteers to assist with decorations, food service, and a cheery atmosphere for their service and family members. They ask that all volunteers be either 16 years old and above or supervised by their respective organization. For instance, members of a youth group should be supervised by their youth group coordinator. Long term volunteers are advised to obtain training through the State Family Program training courses offered at various times and locations throughout the year.
Arts Volunteer Coordinator
The Bloomington Area Arts Council & John Waldron Arts Center is seeking a part time Volunteer Coordinator for the recruitment, screening, training, and supervision of volunteers. Duties: create a volunteer recruitment plan and position descriptions; recruit volunteers; conduct interviews, orientations and training; monitor performance; prepare procedural and training manuals; maintain database; coordinate appreciation events. Qualifications: volunteer management and nonprofit organization experience; excellent organizational, verbal, written and interpersonal skills; word processing, desktop publishing, database management and email. Bonus qualifications: desire to work in organization committed to the arts; experience in fundraising, marketing or public relations; experience conducting trainings.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
OCT 23rd - NOV 21st Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are needed to assist with the Simply Healthy Wellness Expo on Nov. 13-15 which will include workshops and special events at the Unitarian Universalist Church and a vendor market at City Hall. Volunteers will set up, take down, run errands, usher and assist with registration, deliveries and hospitality for this exciting community-based event organized by the Indiana Holistic Health Network. When not volunteering, you will be able to enjoy the many activities offered. Minimum age is 16.
Thanksgiving basket distribution - Nov. 21
Volunteers are needed on Nov. 21 to escort applicants around to 11 food stations and out to a truck to pick up their turkeys at Backstreet Missions. Volunteers will also staff the food stations and pass out canned or boxed food. This is a great opportunity to brighten the holiday for others - last year 500 families received Thanksgiving food baskets! Shifts are from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Drivers are also needed to deliver to shut-ins. Volunteers need to arrive 15 minutes prior to their shift for minimal training. Minimum age is 18.
Ushers for The Clean House 10/23 - 10/31
See a great show for free and be a part of the magic of the theatre as a volunteer usher at IU's Lee Norvelle Theatre and Drama Center! A Pulitzer Prize finalist, "The Clean House" tells the story of a wife, a maid obsessed with finding the perfect joke, a sister obsessed with cleanliness and a husband obsessed with another woman. Performances are Oct. 23-24, 27-31 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 31 at 2 p.m. Ushers must arrive an hour before curtain time for training. No experience necessary. Dress code is black dress pants (or optional black skirt for the ladies) and a plain white dress shirt. Comfortable dress shoes are recommended, as you may be standing if the show is sold out. To sign up, visit Minimum age is 16.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Face Painting / Fundraising / Poverty Outreachvolunteer
Face Painters and Fun Fall Activities - Oct. 17
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources at Monroe Reservoir is looking for enthusiastic face painters to assist with their Fall Fun Day on Oct. 17 from 10- 11 a.m. and maybe just a little longer depending on the crowd. They will also have a Kids' Fall Funfest from 1-3 p.m. Volunteers are needed to help with activites such as pumpkin painting, the Halloween costume contest, and the piƱata. All activities will take place at Paynetown State Recreation Area and all materials will be provided. Minimum age is 18.
Wonka's Chocolate Carnival Planning and Fundraising
Amethyst House will be holding their third annual 'Wonka's Chocolate Carnival' on January 30. This a carnival setting with games, activities and food as well as a great community event for families to raise awareness about their programs and prevention. They are looking for volunteers to assist in the planning process, poster distribution, setup, volunteering during the carnival and cleanup. Minimum age is 18, except for those operating the games, who must be 12 years or older with a parent or guardian in the building.
Circles Ally Informational Dessert Night - Oct. 13
The South Central Community Action Program invites you to an informational Dessert Night on Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. to learn about becoming an Ally with the Monroe County Circles Initiative. Circles is a strategy to help low-income families build resources and transition out of poverty, to change systems and policies that perpetuate poverty, and to build community across race and class lines. Allies are urgently needed; three to four Allies are matched with each family. Thorough training and ongoing staff support are provided. An 18-month commitment of 4+ hours monthly are required. Allys must be available one to two Thursday evenings monthly.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Volunteer this Saturday, Oct. 10th Multicultural Expo!!
WHEN: Sat., Oct. 10, 11 a.m-4 p.m. (Volunteers can pick 2hr+ time slots)
WHERE: Bryan Park, 1001 S. Henderson Street
WHO TO CONTACT TO VOLUNTEER: e-mail with time availability ASAP
The festival will include four cultural "villages" -- Soul Food Festival Village, Festival Latino Village, Moon Festival Village and International Festival Village -- which will celebrate cultures from around the world.
Each village will provide children's activities, and several will sell ethnic foods. A varied lineup of musicians and dancers will perform throughout the day. FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK OUT
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Volunteer Opportunites Sep 4th - Oct 8th... check for more next week!
- American Red Cross Book Fair-Sep 24th through Oct 8th The Fair is high-energy and lots of fun--a wonderful opportunity for individuals and groups of all kinds to contribute to the well-being of their community. Opportunities are diverse. For the set-up days (Thursday, September 24 through Wednesday, September 30), tasks range from carrying boxes of books to the appropriate tables, to helping put up our signs, to organizing the concession stand. For the Fair itself (Thursday, October 1 through Tuesday, October 6), tasks include walking the floor and straightening the merchandise, answering customers' questions, helping carry items to the customers' cars, or working the concession stand. The tear-down days (Wednesday, October 7 through Thursday, October 8) are when we re-box the leftover books, fold tables, and load the trucks. Interested? e-mail
- Domestic Violence Training - Sept. 26, Dec. 5
Middle Way House is seeking new volunteers to help them maintain the level of service they provide to the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Both women and men are strongly encouraged to volunteer, and are required to attend training first. There are volunteer opportunities in over 20 different program areas including crisis line, child care, legal advocacy, and community reception. Trainings are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 26 or Dec. 5 at 219 E. 4th Street in the First United Methodist Church. No pre-registration is required. Minimum age is 18. Interested? - Ellettsville Boys and Girls Club Presents...Cornival! - Oct. 3 Cornival will take place at Eagles Landing in Ellettsville on Oct. 3, complete with a Cornhole tournament, "cornival" games, raffles, prizes, food and much more! Volunteers are warned that they should be prepared for fun! All ages welcome to volunteer. Interested?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thank you for showing interest in the Hutton Honors College, Community Service Program!
Interested in:
- making a difference
- enriching and connecting with the Bloomington community
- making new friends
- exploring career and personal interests
- and building your resume
Find out how and much more at the official Community Service Program CALLOUT!
WHEN: Wednesday, September 23rd at 7pm
WHERE: BUS321, Kelley School of Business, Undergraduate Building, Room 321, located on 10th Street & Fee
Garrett & Kelem, The Student Interns
Community Service Program
Monday, April 27, 2009
Fairview Elementary- Annual PTO Sidewalk Sale
If you are interested, contact Sarah Pennal: for more information!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Feel free to come by anytime this week between 9:30am and 5pm to STAPLE STAPLE STAPLE!!
Call Kim at 334-8374.
We still need help the day of the Food Drive!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Help your neighborhood letter carrier pick up food donations and/or assist at the post offices by receiving and sorting all the donations.
Pick-ups begin at 10am; Shifts at the post offices are roughly from 12-3 and 2-5.
If you are interested in helping with the NALC food drive, reply to this email or call Kim at 334-8374 TODAY!
For more information about the food drive, visit
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Public Library Volunteer Training!

Does the sight of shelves full of books excite you?
If so, this may be the perfect volunteering opportunity for you!
Monroe County Public Library is holding two separate training sessions for individuals looking to become circulation volunteers!
The training sessions are April 14th from 7-8 pm and May 12th from 10-11 am! Volunteers must attend a training session before they can volunteer at the library.
For more information, contact:
Sue Sater, Volunteer Coordinator, (812) 349-3050 or visit the Monroe County Public Library website at
PALS Training Coming Up!
PALS volunteers will assist children and adults with disabilities in learning how to ride horses. Horse riding can be therapeutic and have many positive effects. Volunteer responsibilities include leading horses & side-walking riders during lessons. Volunteers also help groom, saddle, train, care for horses and help with barn chores.
Don't be discouraged if you have never worked with horses before... No horse experience necessary!
All volunteers must attend a training session before they can begin volunteering with pals.
For more information, contact:
Fern Bonchek: 812-336-2798, or to RSVP for the training and to request a volunteer packet. View for more information.
Back to Earth Week!
On April 18th, from 10 am to 2 pm, volunteers will help clean up Bloomington's McDoel Gardens southwest-side neighborhood!
Volunteers will pick up litter and debris from neighborhood streets as well as part of the creek that runs through this area. It will be an excellent outdoor activity for the fabulous weather being anticipated!
Lunch will be provided by the neighborhood association at 12pm!
The event will be held at 512 W. Allen St., Bloomington, IN 47403
For more information, contact:
Paul T. Ash at (812) 333-8084
New Monroe County Youth & Community Center!
This community center will serve as an after school center for youths of Monroe County. It will primarily be run by the Boys and Girls Club of Bloomington!
Volunteers are needed to interact with youth, playing board games and other games, supervising them during arts, crafts and snack time; sharing talents and interests, implementing new programs, changing bulletin boards, cleaning and organizing rooms, providing tutoring and homework help and being a mentor.
Shift hours and days vary, and there are opportunities for both long and short-term volunteering!
All volunteers must have a background check and go through orientation.
For more information, contact: Amy Matney, Unit Director, (812) 332-5311
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bike Riding!
Volunteers are needed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 11-13 from 4-5:30 pm each day!
Beginning bicycle riders (the kids) will be prepared to spend the entire summer cruising on their bicycles after this kickoff to Bloomington Bikes Week! Volunteers will teach participants how to confidently and safely ride their bikes through individual instruction, and also about bike maintenance, road safety, and proper bike and helmet fittings. Each child then receives a free bike helmet and must bring a bicycle without training wheels.
All the action will be taking place at Bryan Park Pool, 1000 S. Woodlawn Ave. in the parking lot!
For more information or to sign up, please contact Kim Ecenbarger at
Earth Week!

We will be updating the blog with activities during this week that you can participate in to help clean up the Earth (in Bloomington :) )
1. You can begin your Earth Week celebration on April 19th between 1pm and 3pm by helping clean up Lower Cascades Creek Trail.
Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature at one of Bloomington’s most beautiful parks! Help maintain the beautiful trails with a spring clean up of Lower Cascades Creek Trail. Bags and gloves to use for clean up will be provided!
2. You can continue your Earth Week cleanup on Thursday April 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm at Griffy Lake. Volunteers will use paddles and boats to paddle around the lake and help clean it up! All bags, gloves, and boats will be provided!
For more information or to sign up for any of these programs email: Kim Ecenbarger at
Go Green (and Pink) Around B-Town and Help the Boys and Girls Club!

The Club needs your to help to raise support by selling raffle tickets in order to raffle off the scooter and raise money for the Club!
The raffle will end before finals! We have a venue at the College Mall to sell tickets from and volunteers could easily work from there, in short shifts, on weekends through April.
If you're interested in helping the Boys and Girls Club raise money - and you have a few hours to spare during any weekend in April, please contact:
Chris Tann
Unit Director
BGC Bloomington
812-332-5311 ext. 13
If you have any problems, feel free to email with questions!
Middle Way House Training
When: Saturday, April 18th, 2009 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: 219 E. 4th Street at the First United Methodist Church
Across from the downtown post office
Middle Way House is seeking new volunteers to help maintain the level of service that they provide to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Both women and men are strongly encouraged to attend the training. They have volunteers opportunities in over 20 different program areas including: crisis line, childcare, tutoring, legal advocacy, community reception, and youth mentoring.
No registration is needed for the training.
More info: (812) 337-4510
Monday, March 23, 2009
STAND: Rock and Run Darfur
NEEDED NOW: Volunteers for "ROCK AND RUN DARFUR" 5k and benefit concert 3/28! If you would like to volunteer, we ask that you attend a brief meeting this Wednesday at 6:30 in Ballantine Hall 240. If you cannot attend the meeting but are available to help out, please e-mail and let us know when you are free on Saturday between 8 and noon.
Information about the event can be found on this website:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Want to go to Nicaragua this May?
We have an amazing opportunity for students to do volunteer work on an alternative break in Nicaragua this May. We unexpectedly had a student drop out of the alternative break, and have space open on the trip.
Dates: Sunday, May 10th – Sunday May 17th (possibly returning on the afternoon of the 18th depending on flights)
Cost: $550* + airfare**
* Of this $550, you will receive approximately $200 back after the trip, thanks to a generous grant. Amount back depends on cost of group travel (to airport), number of students, etc.
**airfare will be +/- $450 Number of IU participants: 9
Q: What type of work will we be doing?
A: We will be doing mainly unskilled manual work in the host community, and
will be completing this work with members of the community. In this
impoverished community, we will be helping with community development
and serving basic needs, often by doing construction.
Q: What will our day look like?
A: Days will consist of eating meals together, spending six hours at the work
site (in two blocks), studying Jewish and secular texts together, and
activities with the host community.
Q: What happens before the trip?
A: We will have three orientation sessions as a group in the spring. These orientation sessions will be an opportunity to meet your fellow trip participants, learn about Nicaragua, get detailed information about our service work, and begin the discussion of the connection between Judaism and social justice.
Q: What is the timeline for applications, interviews, and paying?
A: If you know you’d like to go, please fill out the attached application and email me to set up an interview. We’ll buy our plane tickets within the next week. Money is due to me by March 27th.
Jen Abzug Zaligson
Engagement Director Helene G. Simon Hillel Center
Indiana University
730 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47401
Phone: (812) 336-3824
Fax: (812) 339-1949
For more information, call or email me and please visit information and a FAQ sheet on the project.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Going to be Around But Have No Spring Break Plans??

When: Mar 16, 17, 18 7:30 AM - 06:00 PM
What's March 7th? Dr. Seuss' Birthday, of course!

When: Saturday, Mar 07, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Habitat's ReStore Warehouse

Must be able to lift 60 lbs. and enjoy working in areas that are not always clean (often donors are in the midst of remodeling and it can be messy!)
Love Horses? Love Helping People?

Therapeutic Horse Riding Volunteer Training - March 7
People & Animal Learning Services (PALS) is offering a new volunteer training on March 7 from 1-4 p.m. for anyone interested in becoming involved in PALS or therapeutic riding.
Volunteers help children/adults with disabilities learn how to ride horses. Responsibilities include leading horses & side-walking riders during lessons. Volunteers may also groom, saddle, train, care for horses and help with barn chores.
No horse experience necessary!
A commitment of 3-4 hours per week is requested. Volunteers must attend a volunteer training and be over the age of 14.
Contact Fern Bonchek: 812-336-2798, to RSVP for the training and to request a volunteer packet. View for more information.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Training for WonderLab is Fast Approaching!
Training sessions for WonderLab will be held Feb. 12th, and Mar. 11th from 5:30 - 7:30.
(you only have to attend one!)
For more information and sign-ups visit this website:
Help Feed the Elderly and Disabled
In order to serve their clientele of over 200 homebound elderly and disabled persons, Area 10 is seeking out regular and substitute delivery drivers to distribute food to homes.
Don't have a car? Don't worry. Area 10 is also in need of shoppers that pick out food for delivery from the local Hoosier Hills Food Bank once a week and callers who can remind clients when their food will be delivered to them.
All of these positions only require a couple of hours each month so even if you're busy, you can still make a difference!
For more information, contact:
Christine McKenna, Volunteer Coordinator of Area 10
You can email her at this website:
or call Area 10 Agency on Aging at (812) 876-3383
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This year marks the 15-year anniversary of the Soup Bowl Benefit in Bloomington. It is an annual event that brings together local artisans who contribute hundreds of handmade pottery bowls, two dozen local restaurants which provide an extraordinary array of delicious soups, a few local bakers that donate hundreds of loaves of bread, live musical entertainment, WFIU's Joe Bourne as emcee, and over 600 attendees. And all the proceeds benefit Hoosier Hills food bank. This year's Soup Bowl takes place on February 15th, and begins at 5:00 pm. They are still in need of volunteers to work various shifts between 2 pm and 8 pm. If you are interested in volunteering to the backdrop of live music and great food, contact:
Kim Kanney, the Hoosier Hills Food Bank Volunteer Coordinator
Her phone number is: 812.334.8374 or Email at:

Coaches would step in as a season-long coach and teach the game of fastpitch softball. They would plan practices by integrating various drills and prepare their team for game competition.
The sign-up deadline is: Friday, March 13 and prospective coaches are expected to attend one informational meeting. Either:
Wednesday, March 18, 6 p.m. or
Thursday, March 19, 6 p.m.
Coaches will be chosen by Wednesday, March 25.
And your team's practices begin the week of March 30.
This is an excellent opportunity to be a positive mentor for young girls and to share your love and knowledge of softball with them.
For more information email:
| |
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
If you would like to find out how/where you can volunteer on Monday, please go to for information about this year's day of service and birthday celebration.
If you can't get to the website, or want more information, please contact Craig Brenner at (812) 349-3471 or email him at