Tuesday, February 23, 2010

*** Learn Therapeutic Horseback Riding

People & Animal Learning Services (PALS) is offering a new volunteer training on Saturday March 6th from 1-4pm for anyone interested in becoming involved in PALS or therapeutic riding. Volunteers help children/adults with disabilities learn how to ride horses. Responsibilities include leading horses & side-walking riders during riding lessons. Volunteers also help groom, saddle, train, care for horses and help with barn chores. No horse experience necessary! A commitment of 3-4 hours per week is requested. Contact Fern Bonchek: 812-336-2798, pals@indiana.edu to RSVP for the training and to request a volunteer packet. View www.palstherapy.org for more information

Do you have a busy schedule but still want to serve the community??!!

Mentoring and Tutoring Opportunities!! Create your own hours around your busy schedule.

We currently need 25 men to be mentors to the children in our program. We currently have a wait-list of women waiting to be paired with girls, but will probably need more female mentors starting in April. We pair IU students with a child of the same gender for a year commitment as a mentor. The mentor must spend an average of 3 hours a week with the child, not counting winter, summer, or spring breaks. Some of our boys have been waiting close to a year to get mentors, because we have not had that many male applicants. We have a large number of female children who have recently moved and also need mentors. Mentoring is one of the easiest ways to make a difference in a child’s life. Just by hanging around them and incorporating them into your life, you can make a major difference in their lives. Please contact Monte Simonton at msimonto@hotmail.com for more information.

We tutor children between the ages of 4-18 with their homework. We do tutoring Mon-Thurs from 5:30-7 p.m. and Friday from 4:20-5:30. We need help with tutoring children in all grades. We could also use help in developing assignments for children to do when they do not have homework that would increase their literacy and math levels. We are tutoring about 30 children a day and need more volunteers. Please contact Monte Simonton at msimonto@hotmail.com for more information.

Spend Spring Break Making a Difference!!

L100: *** We still have 5 spots left.

Every year Middle Way House The Rise collaborates with a service learning course (CLLC-L100, 11084 Spring Break for Kids) to provide the children with a Spring Break Camp. The class is an alternative to spring break and meets March 3rd, March 10th, and March 24th from 6:00-8:30 p.m. and includes meeting the week of Spring Break from 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. The first two classes the students will get a foundation on the effects of domestic violence on children. They will learn about Middle Way House and about what we will doing with the children over spring break. During spring break we will spend Mon-Fri 9-5 with between 45-60 children all from domestic violence, homeless, and poverty situtaions. We will go to the Children’s Museum in Indianapolis, the Exotic Feline Rescue Center,The Indianapolis Zoo, and Wonder Lab. We will go to a Chemistry Magic show, go swimming, and have live animals brought in by the Humane Society for some educational programs and two animal rescue programs. It is a really fun week that allows students to make a difference in a child’s life over Spring Break. **** We still need to raise another $1000 to do all of the weeks activities. If you or a student group would like to help raise it please contact Monte Simonton at msimonto@hotmail.com for more information or honrovol@indiana.edu

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Want to Be on a Monthly TV Program & Learn for FREE?!!

Are you interested in helping to produce a monthly, 30 minute television program on Community Access Television Services (CATS) which will focus on diversity-related issues? CATS is a program of the Monroe County Public Library and the Cats Diversity Project Steering Committee is looking for you! You can be trained to use the video equipment, contribute topics or appear on-air in various capacities.

Adult volunteers and youth age 12 and older are needed now!

GO HERE http://volunteer.united-e-way.org/cobvn/org/email?opp_id=10288627531&contact_id=10288627637