Monday, April 7, 2008

Disaster Response Volunteer

The local Americorps office has set up a temporary center to field calls from southern Indiana flood victims. The information will be used by the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to assess the extent of the damage, to allocate resources and to determine disaster levels. Three volunteers per 1½ hour shift are needed Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., through April 25th. No minimum age. For more information contact: Katie Koselke at (812) 856-0064 or

Council for Community Accessibility Volunteer

Help the City of Bloomington’s Council for Community Accessibility make Bloomington accessible for people with disabilities and their families. Volunteers attend monthly meetings (held on third Mondays at 4 p.m. at City Hall) then volunteer on one of several CCA projects, such as surveying local businesses for accessibility and planning events. Minimum age is 18. For more information contact: Craig Brenner at 349-3471 or (

CASA Training

Looking for an opportunity to give back to your community? To make a difference? To use your skills? The abused and neglected children of Monroe County need your help. As a Court Appointed Special Advocate you will help to ensure that the best interests of the child remain the focus of the justice and welfare system. Monroe County CASA volunteers must be age 21 or older, able to travel outside of Monroe County and able to commit to one to two years of service.

Training will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to noon, May 7th through June 13th. Application deadline is April 18.

For more information contact: Catherine at 339-1551 ext. 24 or

Middle Way House Training Date!!

What: Middle Way House Domestic Violence Training

When: Saturday, April 19th, 2008: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: 219 E. 4th Street at the First United Methodist Church
Across from the downtown post office in Bloomington, IN

For: Domestic violence training required for anyone interested in volunteering with Middle Way House programs.

Middle Way House is seeking new volunteers to help us maintain the level of service that we provide to the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Both women and men are strongly encouraged to attend the training. We have volunteer opportunities in over 20 different program areas including: childcare, crisis line, legal advocacy, house management, community reception, and youth mentoring.

No pre-registration is required for this training.

More Information: Call (812) 337-4510

Maple Shades Meal Delivery Driver

Be of service to an elderly person in need, as a meal delivery driver for the Area 10 Agency on Aging. Deliver hot, nutritious meals to the homebound elderly

in Ellettsville on Thursdays and Fridays (from about 9:30-11 a.m.)

and personally experience how you can make a difference in the life of a neighbor. You must use your own vehicle, but no previous experience is necessary as they will provide training. Minimum age is 18. For more information contact: Ashley Hillman at 876-3383 or (

Run Through The Jungle 5K Run/Walk

This 4th annual 5K run/walk benefiting the Exotic Feline Rescue Center will be held on

Saturday, May 17th
at the Rescue Center

located in Center Point, about 45 minutes from Bloomington. The route passes directly through the compound that houses 190 lions, tigers and other exotic big cats.
Volunteers are needed to help with sign making, parking and water distribution.
Shifts begin at 9 a.m. and the timed race will begin at 10:30 am.
Participants and volunteers will receive a t-shirt and a coupon for a free visit in the future. Minimum age is 16. For more information contact: Gary Anderson at (812) 244-0487 or (

Take Pride in America Day

You are invited to take part in the 22nd annual Take Pride in America Day on

Saturday, May 3rd
at the Hoosier National Forest

The day will kick off at 9 a.m. at Shelterhouse #1 at the Hardin Ridge Recreation Area, 13 miles south of Bloomington, just off Highway 446.

There are projects for all ages, such as working on pond sites, maintaining trails, planting wildflowers in a native seed nursery, planting trees and picking up litter in the forest.
Volunteers will be treated with free camping Friday and Saturday and a free cookout on Saturday.
You can participate as a group or individual. All groups should pre-register by April 25th. All ages are welcome!

For more information contact: Ron Doyle at (812) 275-5987 or Bruce Whittredge at (812) 277-3599 or (