Monday, April 7, 2008

Take Pride in America Day

You are invited to take part in the 22nd annual Take Pride in America Day on

Saturday, May 3rd
at the Hoosier National Forest

The day will kick off at 9 a.m. at Shelterhouse #1 at the Hardin Ridge Recreation Area, 13 miles south of Bloomington, just off Highway 446.

There are projects for all ages, such as working on pond sites, maintaining trails, planting wildflowers in a native seed nursery, planting trees and picking up litter in the forest.
Volunteers will be treated with free camping Friday and Saturday and a free cookout on Saturday.
You can participate as a group or individual. All groups should pre-register by April 25th. All ages are welcome!

For more information contact: Ron Doyle at (812) 275-5987 or Bruce Whittredge at (812) 277-3599 or (

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