Monday, April 7, 2008

Middle Way House Training Date!!

What: Middle Way House Domestic Violence Training

When: Saturday, April 19th, 2008: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: 219 E. 4th Street at the First United Methodist Church
Across from the downtown post office in Bloomington, IN

For: Domestic violence training required for anyone interested in volunteering with Middle Way House programs.

Middle Way House is seeking new volunteers to help us maintain the level of service that we provide to the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Both women and men are strongly encouraged to attend the training. We have volunteer opportunities in over 20 different program areas including: childcare, crisis line, legal advocacy, house management, community reception, and youth mentoring.

No pre-registration is required for this training.

More Information: Call (812) 337-4510

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